
Remove false virus notifications from Apple OSX

I recently obtained some sort of scam virus on my iMac that began spamming my notifications every minute or so. The solution was already out there, so I'm just trying to make another web hit for the correct solution. Specifically, I was running macOS Ventura 13.5 (22G74) when I encountered this bug/virus.

TL;DR: Follow: Safari > Settings > Websites > Notifications; select the picture of the settings app & remove it, as described here.

I'm also adding screenshots of several of the notifications I received; once again, with the hope that you'll find the solution if you searched for any of these strings. 

Critical virus alert

Virus detected! Activate your ANTIVIRUS

Your iCloud is being hacked!

Click here to remove the virus

Detected: Trojan_BO8DF831059....

MAC scan required

System Mac OS is infected!

Choose an action to restore the system

Security Alert

You've visited illegal infected website

You have visited unsafe site with illegal content

Your Mac is at risk of being infected by viruses

To continue browsing safely - perform an antivirus scan
